Nungu Fruit
Scientific name - Borassus flabellifer
Borassus flabellifer commonly known as Nungu is a robust tree which is identified universally for its growing feature. The tree reaches to a height of 30 metres (98 ft) and lives more than 100 years. In the initial stage, the young palmyra palm grows slowly, but grows faster with age. Looped with leaf scars, the covering can be seen with green-bluish leaves together with several dozen fronds diffusing 3 m (9.8 ft) diagonally. Ringed with leaf scars, the large trunk of the tree bears a resemblance to that of the coconut tree.

Borne in clusters, the fruit is just about 4 to 7 inches in diameter and has a black shell. In order to let slip the three sweet jelly seed sockets, the top portion of the fruit must be cut off. These sockets are translucent pale-white in color, akin to that of the lychee, but it exudes a milder flavor and comes with no pit. The fruit has a part that is just like jelly and it is covered with a thin, yellowish-brown skin. The fleshy white body contains watery fluid; however the fibrous and ripened outer layer of the palm can also be eaten raw, boiled or roasted.

Nutritional Value of Nungu Fruit
Water | 87.6g |
Protein | .8g |
Fat | .1g |
Carbs | 10.9g |
Fiber | 1g |
Calcium | 27mg |
Phosphorous | 30mg |
Iron | 1mg |
Thiamin | .04mg |
Riboflavin | .02mg |
Niacin | .3mg |
Vitamin C | 5mg |

Health Benefits of Nungu Fruit
Prevents chicken box
Improves digestion
Keeps your body cool
Prevents constipation problem in pregnant women
Good for acidity problem
The high potassium content helps eliminate body toxins
Good for liver and spleen disorders
Spaced out from helping in all the aforesaid conditions, fresh sap of palm is called 'Neera' which has antiphlegmatic properties that is highly functional in inflammatory affections and leprosy.

The growth pattern of Borassus flabellifer is quite different from all other trees and its clean habits make it an attractive ornamental tree. Apart from being cultivated mainly for the fruit it bears, they are also cultivated for planting in gardens and parks as landscape palm species. It requires a well-drained, hot and sunny position to grow well. Sensitive to cold, they are highly drought tolerant. In view of the fact that it very much resents being moved once established; the seeds are best germinated in its final position.

To open and cut the Nungu is no easy task; a vendor armed with a machete can make it easy to separate the skin from the pods. However, you can try doing this to enjoy the fruit: First is to carefully extricate each pod from the shell and then hack away starting at the top, slice the purple, fibrous shell away from the centre part and then lever open away the jellylike pods from the white skin.

Seeing that, cut and drained Nungu is receptive oxidation, consider using it for immediate consumption, else the fruit's flavor begins to change. As a matter of fact, the fruit's rapid fermentation over the course of a mere three hours is the main reason why villagers prefer Nungu as a fast, inexpensive and easy source of alcohol. If you don't want it to be eaten immediately then, opt for each section to be scooped intact with the tan, stringy skin still encasing the husk. By this means you can preserve them in the refrigerator, only by a day or so. Hence, the fruit should be eaten within a day.