Pink Flowered Raspberry Fruit
Introduction of Pink Flowered Raspberry
Scientific name - Rubus parvifolius
The Rubus parvifolius which is a falls under the category of scrambling shrub that originates from a tropical heat land, and eucalyptus woodland in eastern Australia. The raspberries have tender pubescent stems which turn out to be hairless while growing. The leaves have pinnate structure with a number of 3 to 5 leaflets, their flowers have red or pink colored petals. The width of the red fruit is approximately 1 cm. Leaflets are more or less rhombic and ovate with 1-4 cm and 0.8-3.5 cm length and width, with irregular margins, upper surface is more or else glabrous and wrinkled in appearance, lower surface appears to be white-tomatoes with a petiole of 1-2.5 cm in length, lateral leaflets are immobile with a terminal petiolule of 10-15 mm length. The flowers appear to be in clusters otherwise in the loner upper axils. The flower’s petals are in shades of red and also pink which are smaller compared to sepals. Fruits are spherical with a diameter of 10 mm generally grow in the southern districts with 5 leaves having a foliate pattern.

100gm of berries have | |
Carbohydrates | 10 gm |
Fat | 0.33 gm |
Protein | 1 gm |
Calories | 47 |

Uses of Pink Flowered Raspberry
Fruits ought to be dried before usage, which are a rich source of Vitamin C with a hardy seed-like texture. The pre mature shoots could be peeled off and consumed either raw or cooked too. Harvesting period for the shoots are most probably in spring as they sprout out at that time but amazingly they continue to be young and soft. They are mixed with asparagus while cooking as they too are abundant sources of Vitamin C. Flowers can be consumed directly without cooking.

Medicinal Uses of Pink Flowered Raspberry
Leaves are used in making tonics which are help in producing more of blood cells known as a blood tonic which has an ability to eradicate nausea and vomiting which makes the tissues shrink also strengthening the stomach for its proper functioning. For internal consumption a tea is provided helps in solving stomach complaints such as diarrhea, dysentery, anemia, also blood cough and to cure vomiting, the tea is taken by women when their menstrual cycle is too long. The leaf’s paste is used to treat skin related problems such as wounds and burns, the leaves are squashed and applied on skin for treating pimples and blackheads too. The powdered leaf ashes are combined with oils to avoid swellings. The younger shoots have contents which give a speedy recovery for health problems and have effectual applications for scurvy treatment. Their roots also have many medical applications, used as an appetizer, tonic solving stomach related complications. The Tea helps to put on weight for weak people and also gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and also dysentery. The boiled outcome of the roots helps in treating pimples and blackheads.

Since they are classified as shrub category they are excellent climbers with soft-haired texture. Their leaves possessing 3-5 leaflets are circular, irregular and most of them are deep-toothed with a length of 5-30 mm wrinkled texture in top followed by white hair in the bottom. The flowers pink or red in color mostly appear in the smaller bunch or at the extreme end of the branches with sepals hairy in texture and fruits spherical, red and tender berries having their flowering season mostly start in spring and in the beginning of summer.

Usually cultivated in perfectly drained up loamy soil in bright sun or in partly shaded areas. In Asia, it’s grown for its directly consumable fruit, it has many varieties too. This plant belongs to raspberry family having biennial stems, each time producing new stems every year having a perennial rootstock, these fruits tend to die after bearing fruits in the second year. The plants are hybridized along with R.hillii in wild environment. Plants are very likely to be harmed by honey bees and also fungus too.

The Rubus parvifolius gives up a feeble amount of seeds in and around Melbourne. The propagation is very easy on through its tip cuttings and their root fragments, considering most other species of Rubus they tend to produce roots at the bottom most end of the cane if it possibly meets the ground. If there are less number of plants plant the smaller units of the base part of the plant in the soil.
The seeds require to be sown in the exact geographical area which the plant is adaptable on and mostly cultivated in the beginning of autumn in colder climatic condition only. The seeds which are stored must be kept only at 3 degrees of temperature and should be sown sooner before the year’s end. The seedlings must be pierced only if they are able to resist the cold and grow. They are provided with their immobile positions in springs end in the year to come. The half-ripened woods cuttings are taken out in the July/August period, During July tip layering process is done, finally cultivated in autumn only. The dividing process is likely to take place in beginning of spring or in the start of leaf-fall in autumn season.