Duku fruit
Scientific name - Lansium Domesticum Corr
Bionomically known as Lansiumparasiticum , this fruit belongs to the Meliaceae family. This fruit is popularly known as duku fruit, langsat, and even lanzone in many parts of its availability. This plant is a native of South East Asia and can be found there in abundance. This specie is related to that of the mahogany trees. Also marked as a provicinal flower of the Indonesian province of south Sumatra.
Duku fruits are very interesting to look at as they appear to be very small in size and translucent in color. Oval shaped fruits are a delight to taste and are majorly found in SouthEast Asia, Indian regions and also available in Bhutan. They can taste quite sour when consumed in an unripe form. When consumed post its ripen the fruit taste sweet just leaving a bitter sweet after taste very much like grapefruit.
A duku fruit tree grows as tall as 30 meters in height and 75 centimeter in width. The branches of the tree bears odd numbered leaves that have fine hair beneath their surface.the flowers borne on this tree are mainly borne on the crown or even found hanging on the branches of these trees. They are spotted in a bunch sometimes even 5 flowers together can be found.
The langsat or the duku fruit holds its roots in Malaysia and is a popular fruit found both in the wild forest and is also cultivated dosmtically due to high rise in demand for the same. It is also used to conserve the forest as it is a popular tree planted in order to ensure afforestation. This fruit is popular in local South Indian markets as well.
After its introduction in the Hawaiian regions in the year 1930 it gained a lot of popularity and is now grown on lower elevations frequently.

Nutritional Value of Duku fruit
Cal | 70 |
Protein | 1.0 g |
Fat | 0.2 g |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
Minerals | 0.7 g |
Calcium | 18 mg |
Cholesterol | 0 mg |
Phosphorus | 9 mg |
Iron | 0.9 mg |

Below listed are the top 10 benefits of consuming Duku fruit.
1. Duku fruit is known to be a rich source of Vitamin C. this vitamin is known to act as an antioxidant in the body. They are empowered to block and reverse damage caused by free radicals that are let out by the body during the process of transmission of food to energy. Their function does not stop with that they also help in reducing the impact of the damage caused by toxic substance and pollution to the body.
2. Good gums for good oral health: Vitamin C is a multi-benefitting vitamin that ensures healthy gums. Duku fruit being rich in vitamin C is a good way to keep dentist at bay. It also helps in maintain good teeth and strengthens them from within.
3. Remedial measure to premature aging - Another benefit of vitamin C is that it helps in fighting against premature aging. As vitamin C is known for protecting important molecules, such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids from destruction caused by free radicals, toxins, or pollutants consumption of duku should be done religiously.
4. Energy enabler: Vitamin C rich food is known to be consumed daily by performing professional athletes as they act as energy enabling catalyst in the body. Vitamin rich food are known for immunity building and makes a protective sheath to shield them against infections and ailments.
5. Duku is a good source of fiber and it helps in maintaining a good dietary tract as it helps in smooth digestion and has anti-cancer properties that fights colon cancer. Duku is also high on calorific value and it is higher than apples and sweet oranges.
6. Vitamin C acts as a fat cutter and helps in reducing weight to a very large extent.
7. Cholesterol levels have drastically fallen down after the consumption of duku fruit and this is made possible because of the presence of vitamin C.
8. You are what you eat and your skin reflects the same. Duku is known for promoting good skin as it helps to bring out the radiance from within.
9. Apart from vitamin C, this fruit is also known to be a good source of vitamin A,B and E
10. It acts as a healing agent for mosquito bites.

The ideal climate for a duku tree to survive is in the ultra tropical regions. This plant is not endemic but it has its own constraints. Duku fruit cannot with stand long dry season. It thrives the best in more humid atmosphere with plenty of moisture in the air. These plants are anti-altitude and will not grow on altitude over 2,100 to 2,500 ft (650-750 m) above sea level. Having said that during its early stages of growth it requires a lot of care and attention, one must ensure that it receives shade when it's growing as it will not be able to withstand the harsh sunlight in the open.
Moving on the soil conditions, a duku fruit needs nutrition and fertile soil. The best kind of soil for a good harvest should be deep, rich, well-drained, sandy soil that is very low on acid content and high on organic manure. It is tolerant to a small period of water logging but cannot withstand dry clay lands that will crack due to lack of water presence/ seasonal.
Duku fruits are found hanging on branches and trunks of trees , the most commonly sighted way of cultivating them is by shaking the tree. The ripe fruits will readily fall when shaken the tree.