Nature of white fruit protects against the stroke

Intake of large amount of white pulp fruits can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.The coloring of the pulp is a good indicator for the presence of carotenoids and flavonoids and helps in reduction of risksuch as anti-cancer and anti-mutagenic effects.Four color groups were established for fruits and vegetables:

  • If it is greeny then it is considered as dark leafy vegetables
  • If it is orange/yellow then it is considered as citrus fruits
  • If it is red/purple then it is considered as tomatoes and watermelon, but also prunes and blueberries
  • If it is white then it is considered as pears.

The flavonoid called quercetin found in white fruits and vegetables, and responsible for lowering the risk of stroke. It also boosts metabolic rate, reduces blood pressure and fight against cancer, and it may also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Other fruits and vegetable color groups also may protect against other chronic diseases.

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