Most wholesome fruits and vegetables ranked

The most nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables were ranked based on the amount of critical nutrients they contain. The research carried out by William Patterson University Researchers, included a list of fruits and veggies that are wholesome.

Red peppers, pumpkin, tomato and lemon were ranked high on the list.

Watercress, a member of the cabbage family was also present in the list. It is known for its excellent source of vitamin A, C, and B-6; they are also rich in manganese, and carotenes.


Chinese cabbage, chard, beat greens, and spinach were ranked second, followed by Greens in the cabbage family which is an excellent source of fiber, iron, copper, and calcium.

In view of the fact that, these rankings were based on nutrients, the naturally occurring substances called Phytochemicals in fruits that are disease preventive was taken into account. GIF Phytochemicals were included; fruits and berries would have kept count much higher.

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