Eyes healthy nutrients

“Nutrition for healthy eyes”

Healthy eyes are happy eyes and it is the window to the world!

Just because your eyesight is fine and your eyes look great, it doesn’t mean that your eyes are healthy. Unlike any other part of your body, even your eyes require certain nutrients to function properly. Contributing to healthy eyes, good nutrition fuels your body. It plays a vital role in healthy vision. While some eye conditions are genetic, some are the outcome of damage caused by infections or diseases and some are due to accidents or prolonged UV exposure. Irrespective of the disorder, it is a must to take healthy nutrients that will help in healthy eyes and vision.

As far as ranking fruits and veggies for good eyes is concerned, carrots are the very first produce that comes to mind, however, there are other foods you can add to your diet to support healthy vision.


Greens are a healthy addition to your diet. Helping in providing better vision they are packed with antioxidants. Following are some of the antioxidant rich food listed associated with eye health

Foods Rich in Antioxi dants for Eye Health Antioxidants Related to Eye Health
Eggs, kale, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens,
romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden
peas and Brussels sprouts.
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers,
tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and juices made from
guava, grapefruit, and orange.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables,
sweet potatoes, avocados, wheat germ,
and whole grains.
Vitamin E
Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, eggs,
and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin A & Beta Carotene
Salmon, sardines, flax seeds, soybeans,
and walnuts.
Essential Fatty Acids
Red meat, poultry, oysters and other seafood,
nuts, dried beans, soy foods, milk and other
dairy products, whole grains, and
fortified breakfast cereals.

Taking the following steps to protect your eyes:

  • Eat right
  • Wear sunglasses
  • Practice workplace eye safety
  • Test your glasses or contact lens prescription and ensure that it is up-to-date and adequate for computer use.
  • When you are using computer for long hours put on your glasses to help with contrast, glare and eye strain. Adjust the settings of your computer according to your bearability and use an anti-glare screen if needed.
  • Choose a chair that is comfortable and supportive for you; position it in such a way that your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Take a 10-15 minutes break every two hours and wash your eyes quite often.
  • If you feel that your eyes are dry, blink more.
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