Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Benefits

Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Benefits

Take more kiwis next time and you can achieve a glowing skin and shiny hair. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and E, this tasty fruit helps fight against UV damage. It is a well-known fact that, Vitamin C is long been associated with skin goodness’s. As far as vitamin C is concerned, people always associate it with oranges, but the fact is that kiwis actually boast more vitamins C- One serving of kiwi offers 137.2 milligrams — than oranges.
A cup of kiwi contains 3% of our recommended daily intake of vitamin A, 273% of vitamin C, 13% of vitamin E, 89% of vitamin K, 3% of thiamin, 3% of riboflavin, 3% of niacin, 6% of vitamin B6, 11% of folate, and 3% of pantothenic acid. In addition, kiwi fruits are also rich in potassium and fiber.

Benefits Of Kiwi

  • Better sleep
  • Heart health and blood pressure
  • Kidney stone prevention
  • Healthful skin
  • Cancer prevention
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Constipation prevention
  • Bone health

Nutrition Facts of Kiwi

  • Calories: 42
  • Fat: 0.4g
  • Sodium: 2mg
  • Carbohydrates: 10.1g
  • Fiber: 2.1g
  • Sugars: 6.2g
  • Protein: 0.8g


Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit News, Fruit-Facts, Fruitful Tips, Health Benefits, Nutritional Fruits, nutritional values, Special Fruits | Leave a comment

Green Grapes Benefits And Facts

Green Grapes Benefits And Facts

There are three varieties of grapes, table grapes, dry grapes and wine grapes. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates, and each cup of grapes contains 27 grams of total carbs, including roughly 1.5 grams of fiber. Like most fruits, grapes have very little protein and fat – 1 gram and a quarter-gram per serving, respectively.
Green grapes help in scavenging the harmful radicals and reduce the oxidative stress.They abound in vitamin C as a source of antioxidant. Antioxidants are present in highest amounts.

Benefits Of Green Grapes

  • Plant Compounds May Protect Against Certain Types of Cancer.
  • Packed With Nutrients, Especially Vitamins C and K.
  • High Antioxidant Contents May Prevent Chronic Diseases.
  • Contain Many Nutrients Important for Bone Health.
  • May Decrease Blood Sugar Levels and Protect Against Diabetes
    May Improve Memory, Attention.
  • May Protect Against Certain Bacteria, Viruses and Yeast Infections
    Contain Several Compounds That Benefit Eye Health.
  • May Slow Down Aging and Promote Longevity.
  • Beneficial for Heart Health in Various Impressive Ways
    Delicious, Versatile and Easily Incorporated Into a Healthy Diet.
  • May Prevent Chronic Diseases by Decreasing Inflammation.


Grapes are high in several important nutrients. Taking Grapes daily is highly improve your fat-soluble vitamin vital for blood clotting and healthy bones. And also vitamin C, an essential nutrient and powerful antioxidant necessary for connective tissue health

  • Calories: 104
  • Carbs: 27.3 grams
  • Protein: 1.1 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Fiber: 1.4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 27%
  • Vitamin K: 28%
  • Thiamine: 7%
  • Riboflavin: 6%
  • Vitamin B6: 6%
  • Potassium: 8%
  • Copper: 10%
  • Manganese: 5%
Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit-Facts, Fruitful Tips, fruits and veggies, Health Benefits, Healthy Diet, Healthy Leafy Greens, Nutritional Fruits, Special Fruits | Leave a comment

5 Health Benefits Of Cucumber

5 Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is a tropical fruit which is best in hot and humid climate. The fruit is known for having more than 96% water content. It makes you feel full and increases your metabolism. The fruit can be eaten raw or added in our daily fruit salads. Apart from being a nutritious fruit it has many amazing health benefits. The five best health benefits of cucumber are mentioned below.

  • Cucumber for Eyes

All of us might have seen celebrities and actors placing cucumber on their eyes. Surprisingly, this trick actually works. Cucumbers are cooling agents and help to refresh the skin around the eyes. It also helps in lightening dark circles. In addition, it also provides moisture to the skin.

  • Cucumber for Bad Breath

Cumber are also known to freshen your breath. A slice of cucumber must be taken and placed at the roof of your moth for about 2 minutes. The fruit kills all the bacteria in your mouth which causes bad breath and refreshes your breath.

  • Keeps you hydrated

Cucumber is known to be rich in water content. Almost 96% of the fruit is water. This makes the fruit nutritious and it also helps a person feel full. Eating a cucumber will keep you hydrated throughout the day. It can be eaten raw or it can be added in salads and eaten.

  • Prevents Constipation

Cucumbers seeds help in constipation. If a patient is suffering from constipation cucumbers can do the trick. If the patient is suffering from constipation in a regular basis then cucumbers can be added on his diet list. It is a healthy fruit with no side effects.

  • Helps diabetic patients

For many years cucumber is consumed by diabetic patient.  Cucumber has certain carbohydrates that can be digested easily by the diabetic patients. Hence, When they eat cucumbers it keeps their glucose level in check.

Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit-Facts, Fruitful Tips, fruits and veggies, Health Benefits, Healthy Diet, Healthy Leafy Greens, Nutritional Fruits, nutritional values | Leave a comment

Unusual Fruit Facts


Fruits are a source of healthy vitamins and nutrients. They are a tasty healthy treat for the body. We often eat fruits but there are a lot of interesting facts about fruits which we have no idea about. Here are some interesting facts about fruits.

  1. Cranberries can bounce.

Cranberries are also called as bounce berries. It is said that when the fruit is ripe it bounces neatly. When cranberries are plucked and bought in the factory they are tested using this bouncing property to find out if the fruit is ripe or not.

  1. All berries are not berries.

The fruits which we knew as berries for the longest time are not actually berries. Strawberries and raspberries are not berries scientifically. A real berry is one which is formed with a ovary of one flower with a single seed or a bunch of seeds inside the flesh, but strawberries on the other hand have seeds outside the fruit. Other fruits like Banana, Avocado, Kiwi, Watermelon etc are berries.

  1. Some vegetables which are actually fruits.

There a lot of fruits which we assumed to be vegetables. Some fruits like tomatoes are usually assumed to be tomatoes but they are actually fruits. Other fruits which are assumed to be vegetables are Olives, Pepper, Avocado, Cucumber etc.

  1. Apples used to ripen other fruits.

Apples have so many other benefits apart from being healthy .One of its benefits is ripening other fruits. Apples produce ethylene gas. Ethylene is also called as ripening gas .It is used to ripen fruits and hence apple has the natural ability to ripen other fruits .Other fruits which exhibit this property is pear.

  1. Japanese farmers grow square shaped watermelons.

The Japanese farmers started growing square shaped watermelons to save space. The main aim to grow these watermelons was so that it fits inside small refrigerators. But these watermelons are really expensive. The farmers grow the watermelons in a box shaped container and the fruit assumes the box shape.

  1. A pomegranate holds up to one thousand seeds.

The number of seeds in a pomegranate can vary from one fruit to another. Smaller pomegranates will have less seeds whereas bigger pomegranates will have more seeds. But it is said that pomegranate can hold up to 1000 seeds.






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5 Fruits you have not heard of


When you walk through a fruit shop you see a variety of fruits. Some of them you know, some of them you have heard of and some you have no idea about it. There are other fruits which are not easily available and you have no idea about. These fruits can be expensive but they taste heavenly. Here are 5 fruits you probably have never heard of.


Durian is big sized fruit with a hard cover and big thorns. The fruit has edible flesh which is divided in layers. The fruit has bad odor and the smell is usually compared to gasoline or rotten onions. The fruit has a sweet creamy taste. As the fruit gets ripper the flesh becomes less fibrous. It is usually found in the South Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.



Longan is one of the most expensive fruits in Asia. It is a small to medium sized fruit. The fruit has brown prickly skin with white translucent edible pulp. It is said to have really sweet and mysterious taste. The fruits native is China and India. It is mostly found in South East Asian counties like Thai land. The fruit can be seen growing between winter and spring.

Sugar apple:

Sugar apple is also called as the custard apple. It is a green scale fruit. The creamy flesh is segmented and each segment has a black seed. The flesh tastes creamy and sweet. The fruit comes from Central America. One can find these fruits growing in tropical regions along the mid summer season.

Star Fruit:

 Star fruit is a unique fruit which is yellow in color. It is shiny and translucent. The fruit has five ridges and hence when sliced the pieces are star shaped. The fruit had a little citric and sweet taste. It is available around the year all seasons. The fruit comes from Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia. It is grown mostly in South Eastern Asia. It is not easily available in markets.


Mangosteen is a round fruit which has burgundy purplish thick skin. The flesh is soft and juicy. The fruit is really sweet and hence is added is a lot of desserts. The flesh must be carefully removes as the skin may leave purple stains. If the fruit is ripe it is easier to remove the skin. The fruit comes from Malaysia and Indonesia. It is also grown in The Caribbean and Central America.


Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit News, Fruit-Facts, Fruitful Tips, Nutritional Fruits, nutritional values, Special Fruits | Leave a comment

Lemon As A Cleaning Agent


Lemon is a sour tasting juicy fruit. It belongs to the citrus family. The fruit is acidic in nature. Lemon fruit is packed with nutrition’s and also contains huge amount iron, calcium and other essential nutrients. It is added in almost every Indian dish specially pickles. Lemon fruits can not only be used for adding flavor to your dishes but also help to clean your household items and remove stains in your clothes. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent which helps in cleaning.

Cleaning Copper and Stainless utensils:

Copper and stainless steel Utensils look beautiful when they are shiny and polished. When time goes by and if the utensils are not maintained they lose their shine and look dull. An easy solution to clean these copper vessels is by using LEMON.

The lemon juice is taken in a bowl and the utensils must be scrubbed using a scrub soaked in lemon juice. This helps to remove any dirt in the vessel and brings back some shine in the vessel.

Washing Dishes:

There may be situations when you are out of detergent and you need to wash the dishes. In these situations a lemon can do the trick. Lemons can be used to make your dishes cleaner than ever. They remove any strong odor from the dishes and leaves it clean and smell free.

The dirty dish is taken and the small piece of lemon is cut and used as a scrubber to scrub the dish. The dish is then washed and cleaned.

Cleaning Glass Windows:

Glass windows are prone to get spots and dust on it. Cleaning glass windows can be a difficult job. But lemons can be used to solve this problem. A lemon spray can be made and used for cleaning windows.

One lemon is taken and the juice is extracted in a spray bottle. Some amount of water is added and it is sprayed on the dirty windows and wiped using a towel.

Removing stains in Clothes:

Lemon is a bleaching agent and hence it is a good option for removing stains in your clothes. Using harsh chemicals may damage the material but lemon is all natural way of doing the task.

A lemon is taken and cut into half. The stained area is rinsed and the half piece of lemon is scrubbed on the area. Wash it and apply more lemon on the stain until the stain is cleaned.

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If you are a fruit lover or not, you would like to make the most of what you eat.Fruits are packed with nutrition and health benefits. Eating fruits on a daily basis helps a person to stay healthy and fit. But most of the people believe fruits can only be eaten. Although fruits are good for your health it can also be used for several other purposes. Quite often when we have fruit leftovers (e.g. peels), we tend to throw it away but from these leftovers we can extract some more benefits of the fruit.

Here are some fun ways to get a little extra from the fruits we have.


Some time back people used to buy candles for holiday seasons. Nowadays most people prefer making candles and using them. Homemade candles will add a unique touch to your house. Instead of throwing away those waste orange peels, it can be used to make a simple DIY orange candle.


  • Oranges
  • Knife
  • Olive Oil (or any kind of oil)
  • Spoon


  1. Cover the place where the candle is going to be made .The orange juice may cause a mess. Wash and prepare the oranges.
  2. Take a knife and cut the orange around in the middle. Try not to cut the flesh to avoid mess.
  3. Using a Spoon undermine the orange first. Then try to remove skin carefully so that it comes out with the white part which will act as the candle wick.
  4. Pour a little amount of olive oil in the orange peel and wait until the wick is soaked with oil.
  5. Light the wick and enjoy your homemade orange candle.
  6. If you wish to make if more attractive, take the other part of the orange peel. Cut a cute shape on it and close the candle with the other half.


People always try to find natural ways to get things done to avoid damage. Hair coloring using chemicals can damage hair. Fruits like blueberries, blackberries etc can be used to color hair. They are natural coloring methods and do not damage hair. The color is not going to be permanent.


Berries like Blackberries and blueberries can be used to get bluish/purplish hair color. The color depends on the amount of berries used, your hair type and the amount of time you leave it on your hair.



Pomegranates can be used to get red hair color. The dark red pomegranate is recommended for good results. The fruit is peeled and seeds are removed. The juice is extracted and boiled with a little amount of citrus juice .The mixture is applied and kept for a while and rinsed with cold water.



 Avocado can be used to get pink hair color. The Avocado fruit is not only good for hair but can also be used to color it. The fruit can be eaten and the peel is used to dye hair. The peel can be directly applied to the hair or blended and applied to the hair. The skin is pigmented when it’s ripe. Hence we get best results when the fruit is ripe.



 Walnut shells can be used to get dark brown hair color. The walnut shell is taken and crushed, cooled for about 30 minutes and the juice is taken. The juice    can be directly applied or boiled and applied for darker hair color.



Before applying any of the dyes Test if it is safe to use even though it is natural. Apply it to some strands and check if any irritation occurs. If not continue applying the dye else do not apply the dye.


Fruits are packed with nutrients and minerals which are not only used to maintain our body but also for healthy skin .Fruits are natural ingredients and will not harm our skin like the other harsh beauty products. Some of the best fruit packs for healthy skin are as follows.







  • Papaya
  • Honey



  1. Peel the papaya and blend its flesh into a smooth pulp.
  2. Add honey to the pulp and mix well.
  3. Apply the mixture on face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Wash your face and pat dry with towel.

The papaya fruit is filled with essential nutrients for glowing skin. Honey helps in smoothing the skin and removing acne. Apply fruit mask thrice a week for good results.







  • Tomato
  • Lemon


  1. Take one tomato and blend it into a pulp.
  2. Add few drops of lemon into the pulp.
  3. Apply it all over the face and let it dry for about 15 minutes.
  4. Wash your face with Luke warm water and pat dry using a towel.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and are great for healthy skin. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and can used for fairer glowing skin. Apply this fruit mask twice a week for good results.

Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit Juice, Fruit-Facts, Health Benefits, Healthy Leafy Greens | Leave a comment

Funny Fruit Cartoons-2016

Pineapple contains fiber and Vitamin c. The stem of the pineapple contains an enzyme having healing effects, anti-inflammatory effects and it may reduce edema. The enzyme from the pineapple is also beneficial for a person who wants to go on a good diet. Pineapple contains a lot of manganese and the body needs manganese to build strong bones

benefits of pineapple



watermelon decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart diseases and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.


watermelon-weight reducing fruit


Strawberries are no exception to this rule; in addition to antioxidants, they have many other nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall health. These include folate, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, and magnesium.

apple with strawberry comics

Benefits of strawberry


Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may slow or prevent many types of cancer, including esophageal, lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrial, pancreatic, prostate and colon. The resveratrol found in red wine famous for heart health is a type of polyphenol found in the skins of red grapes.


Grapes varieties

Oranges are rich in citrus limonoids, proven to help fight a number of  cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. Drinking orange juice regularly prevents kidney diseases and reduces the risk of kidney stones.


Orange juice-benefits

The health benefits of grapes include their ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and the prevention of cataracts. Grapes, one of the most popular and delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin c, Vitamin B6.

wine comics

Grape wine



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How to protect raspberries from flies

There are several flies that are a serious economic threat to certain fruits, especially cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Drosophila suzukii, commonly known as the spotted-wing drosophila, is a great threat to raspberries. Widely recognized as the vinegar fly, Raspberries are not only victim to the Drosophila suzukii, but also to beetles, wasps, and sawflies. This, having become a big concern for raspberry growers, initially it was detected in Minnesota in 2012 and was confirmed in St. Louis County in 2013.

  1. Suzukii acts as a saver and destroyer when it comes to raspberries; however, there is a notable alarm on other soft-fleshed fruits, such as blueberries, cherries, grapes, and strawberries.

Farmers have reported that, by the time, they try to pick the ripened fruit, the female SWD would have deposited the eggs and the larvae, and in addition, it would have hatched inside the fruit. This, in turn, results in discoloration, disfiguration, and mushiness. In view of the fact that, they are active from the start to the end of harvest season, to control this act is highly challenging and moreover, it is observed that they tend to peak during August.


How to get rid of it?

Good cultural practices, be it on the plant or on the ground, not allowing the ripened fruit to stay for a long period of time, then picking the fruit every day are some of the most important activities to tag along to stay away from devastations. Having said that, it is vital to take care of the nearby wild fruits as well, timely maintenance is important; seeing that buckthorn too can become bug-ridden, it is suggested to do away with the invasive buckthorn as well. Predominantly, processing the fruit, the day you pick it, is said to help.

Consider using row covers to defend fruits that are chiefly wind-pollinated, cider vinegar traps can also be used and will help you identify small flies and fruit flies. The spot near the tip of both wings on the males is the differentiating factor of the SWD from other flies. Upon experiencing SWD infestation, you can follow the aforesaid steps and control the adult flies by using insecticides, however, they are unproductive to the larvae inside the fruit. If using an insecticide, apply in the late evening to trim down the impact on pollinators.

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Food Recovers Depression

“Depression recovery- nutrition’s role”            

The role of nutrition in mental health is enormous. To help manage depression, a holistic approach to diet is vital together with general treatment plan. The contribution of food in the management, development and prevention of specific mental health issues is considerate. Be it depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or Alzheimer’s, when you eat right, then it is very sure that you will feel right.

To reduce the risk of relapse and to build up the stamina that your body requires, it is imperative that you combine your diet into a holistic treatment plan. With this regards, it treats your mind and body while helping you relieve the mental stress.

The lack of vital nutrients in diet can be responsible for intensifying the symptoms of some pre-existing mental health conditions.

depression-recovery-foodThe reaction to stress differs. Do you reach for a palate of French fries or a bowl of ice cream when you feel low? Stop that and start taking fresh fruits and vegetables the next time and you are sure to feel better. Now let us take a look at the list of fruits and vegetables that helps fight depression.

A research study conducted in UK discovered that people who consumed more fruits and veggies were less likely to show signs of uneasiness, nervousness, dejection, and other mental disorders.

Take more fresh veggies in the afternoon, go for healthy dips and practice the habit of doing things that you love.

The B vitamins, be full of nutrients while maintaining well-being and combat depression.


Vitamin B3/B6- Watercress, cabbage, peppers, potatoes, squash, courgettes, mushrooms, broccoli

Vitamin C- Strawberries, oranges, kiwi, pineapple, cranberries, satsumas, grapefruit, cherries, blackberries, mango.

Folic acid-Spinach, lettuce, asparagus, sprouts, parsley, broccoli, green beans.

Craving:cravings for junk food are your body’s way of telling that you be deficient in nutrients. In general, cravings take place late in the day; while dieting or stressed or bored, most of us crave for sweet, salty and fatty foods like fries and ice creams. Next time when you get this feeling, go healthier, consuming healthy snacks will curb these desires. If at all, you are not able to control, take a small portion of what you crave, this may satisfy and won’t let you stuff yourself.

You are what you eat, so eat right and feel right!

Having said all that, combining your diet into a holistic treatment plan also includes regular exercise, engaging yourself in desired activities and timely medication. Finally to conclude, a good diet helps you combat depression, while helping you gain more energy, improve your mood and maintain your weight.

Note– As you plan to change your diet; do consult with your general practitioner or dietician regarding this. Before making any significant changes to your meal plans, you need to ensure that your diet is balanced. This is because, if you’re suffering from any severe ailments, then the nutritional intervention may impede you routine, so consult your doctor.

Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit News, Fruit-Facts, fruits and veggies, Healthy Leafy Greens, Nutritional Fruits | Leave a comment

Eyes healthy nutrients

“Nutrition for healthy eyes”

Healthy eyes are happy eyes and it is the window to the world!

Just because your eyesight is fine and your eyes look great, it doesn’t mean that your eyes are healthy. Unlike any other part of your body, even your eyes require certain nutrients to function properly. Contributing to healthy eyes, good nutrition fuels your body. It plays a vital role in healthy vision. While some eye conditions are genetic, some are the outcome of damage caused by infections or diseases and some are due to accidents or prolonged UV exposure. Irrespective of the disorder, it is a must to take healthy nutrients that will help in healthy eyes and vision.

As far as ranking fruits and veggies for good eyes is concerned, carrots are the very first produce that comes to mind, however, there are other foods you can add to your diet to support healthy vision.


Greens are a healthy addition to your diet. Helping in providing better vision they are packed with antioxidants. Following are some of the antioxidant rich food listed associated with eye health

Foods Rich in Antioxi dants for Eye Health Antioxidants Related to Eye Health
Eggs, kale, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens,
romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden
peas and Brussels sprouts.
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers,
tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and juices made from
guava, grapefruit, and orange.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables,
sweet potatoes, avocados, wheat germ,
and whole grains.
Vitamin E
Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, eggs,
and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin A & Beta Carotene
Salmon, sardines, flax seeds, soybeans,
and walnuts.
Essential Fatty Acids
Red meat, poultry, oysters and other seafood,
nuts, dried beans, soy foods, milk and other
dairy products, whole grains, and
fortified breakfast cereals.

Taking the following steps to protect your eyes:

  • Eat right
  • Wear sunglasses
  • Practice workplace eye safety
  • Test your glasses or contact lens prescription and ensure that it is up-to-date and adequate for computer use.
  • When you are using computer for long hours put on your glasses to help with contrast, glare and eye strain. Adjust the settings of your computer according to your bearability and use an anti-glare screen if needed.
  • Choose a chair that is comfortable and supportive for you; position it in such a way that your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Take a 10-15 minutes break every two hours and wash your eyes quite often.
  • If you feel that your eyes are dry, blink more.
Posted in food and nutrition, fruits and veggies, Healthy Leafy Greens | Leave a comment

Pesticides removal process-Fruits and Veggies

Tricks to take out Pesticides from Fruits and Vegetables

The fruits and vegetables that we eat daily may contain pesticides, irrespective of what type of fruit or vegetable it is. Used during the crop cultivation, in some cases it may remain as residues. A random testing was conducted on fruits and veggies by some advocacy groups and NGO’s, and the findings revealed that high amounts of pesticide residues were found in them. With that said, these residues are toxic enough to cause severe disorders. Many feel that washing it water will help in the removal process; however water alone will not do it.

remove-fruits-pesticidesEven as the government takes steps to sensitize farmers and vendors on the note of side effects of using pesticides, health care professionals advise consumers to look out for alternatives like organic food. Despite the fact that, the presence of pesticide residue in food produces does not mean that they create a great health risk, it is highly recommended that you be careful of what you buy and where you buy such that it is not going to affect you in terms of health. Here’s how to remove most of the pesticides on the fruits and vegetables you eat.

  • Wash it right
  • Vinegar soak
  • Blanch and peel

A substantial amount of pesticides present in the surface of the produce can be removed by washing it right. Washing all your fruits and vegetables with salt water will remove most of the residues that appear on the surface of the food. With cold water wash, just about 75 to 80 percent residues are removed. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. If it has stems and crevices, then concentrate on those areas as well.

Vinegar Soak

As far as soaking your fruits and veggies in vinegar are concerned, it is good to execute it in a mixture. Use 10 percent white vinegar and 90 percent water, stir and rinse them thoroughly. While washing berries, be careful because its thin peel might damage the outer-skin.

Blanch and Peel

This is one of the easiest techniques of removing pesticide residues, for a short duration; treat your vegetables in warm water and peel of the outer layer. Doing so will completely remove the residues

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State’s grant fruits and veggies

Waukegan elementary school receives additional fruits and veggies through state’s grant

State’s grant has helped receive an extra helping of fruits and vegetables for students at Carman-Buckner Elementary School twice a week.

Illinois State Board of Education’s Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program’s initiative of a $34,350 grant to Students of Carman-Buckner Elementary School in Waukegan has helped receive an extra helping of fruits and veggies especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Helping kids eat nutritious food, this school is one among the 200 in Illinois to receive the grant amount, while teaching them about nutritional meal choices.

fruits-and-vegetablesSchools that were previously contributed in the USDA’s National School Lunch Program qualify for the grant.

$5.18 million was distributed to all qualifying schools in Illinois this year.

We’re excited for our students as they are coming across an opportunity to eat fruits and vegetables that they have never heard of. Principal Vanessa Campos said.

In order to make it regular and to let them try, one day of the week they are provided with a fruit and the other with a vegetable.

With just about 700 students receiving them, the snacks are available to the students in sealed bags. It is one such way for the school to offer healthy snacks for the students.

Wendy Smith, the School nurse has applied for the grant three years ago and since then she has applied for it annually.

Smith said students look forward to the snacks.

“Almost every day they come in and ask if it’s snack day and what kind of snack they’ll have,” Smith said.

The nutritional information on the variety of treats such as what contains vitamin D and what is full of fiber is been provided to the teachers.

When it comes to incorporation of the information in lesson or to pass along, teachers have to determine it, Campos said.

Carambola, commonly known as star fruit and the vegetable arugula are two of the healthy snacks that the students are unaware of, however there are several other varieties as well. Some of the other foods that the students have given a try include turnips, red peppers, sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes.

Encouraging the students to try new fruits and vegetables, many have fallen in love with the tastes, she says.

The extra snacks has received great response both from the students and parents side, she adds, hence we are now making requests for fruits and vegetables favored by the students.

Mangoes were the highly recommended fruit.

Principal Vanessa Campos said that this has made a great impact on the reputation of the school. Expanding the palates of the students, while helping them eat nutritious we look forward to provide it year after year, she says.

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Radiant skin fruits

5 Fruits to achieve a radiant Skin

You are what you eat! Eating isn’t just about satisfying hunger; one should eat to have a healthy body that will help you to perform your day-to-day activities. When it comes to your skin the above statement of you are what you eat suits very well.The best skincare regimens take a holistic approach to beauty, in order to have the best skin of your life you need to take extra care of what you eat because fresh fruits can do so much to your skin. Here are some of the fruit types that will help you achieve a radiant skin.


Tomatoes has a powerful antioxidant present in it namely lycopene, this natural pigment makes them red while helping in the protection of skin from sunburn and skin aging. With that said, next time when you are making salads add more red tomatoes to your salad plate to have a great skin. Keeping the skin supple, including adequate amount of tomatoes in your food will boost up the level of protein procollagen. This collagen, in turn helps fight against wrinkles while making your skin firm; it also neutralizes the harmful molecules.


Take more kiwis next time and you can achieve a glowing skin and shiny hair. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and E, this tasty fruit helps fight against UV damage. It is a well-known fact that, Vitamin C is long been associated with skin goodness’s. As far as vitamin C is concerned, people always associate it with oranges, but the fact is that kiwis actually boast more vitamins C- One serving of kiwi offers 137.2 milligrams — than oranges.


Avocados are classified under the category of “super food” that are rich in mono-unsaturated fat. Offering a remarkable amount of benefits for aging skin, the fruit has a considerable amount of vitamin C which is good for skin. Boasting antioxidant carotenoids like alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein, these free radical satiating compounds offer substantial protection for your skin from all such environmental damage that can cause visible signs of aging, fine lines, and wrinkles.


It’s no secret that berries are a great addition for a healthy diet especially it is good for skin. Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries taste great, with that said; they are packed with antioxidants which will protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. People with sensitive skin will find blueberries beneficial, it decreases redness. Strawberries, on the other hand, incite production of collagen fibers that keeps your skin smooth and supple. Vitamin C enriched, raspberries also protect your skin from the sun thanks to their antioxidants.


Lemons address a bunch of health issues like throat infection, indigestion and constipation while helping in wrinkles and blackheads. Citric acid present in lemons treat acne and pimples, it also helps in many anti-aging treatments and helps remove dead skin cells. However, it is a must to ensure that you rinse well to avoid itching.

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Fruit consumption cuts heart risk by 40%

Fruit consumption has protective effect while helping towards having a better heart health.

To add to your heart health, taking leafy-greens along with fruits is an added advantage. A research study suggests that, intake of fruits on a regular basis can lower the risk of heart disease by up to 40%.


A study involving 451,680 participants were asked to report their intake of fruit for over seven years, whether it is no fruit, daily, monthly, 1-3 days per week or 4-6 days per week.

When done a comparative research analysis, it was found that people who consumed fruit had less heart risk to that of others by 25% to 40%. People who consumed the maximum amount of fruits had less risk of blood pressure when compared to those who never ate fruit.

The study is not the first of its kind to bring out this link between fruit consumption and heart health. Another study involving 110,000 men and women have also come up with a finding that people who have included fruits in their diet had less risk of developing CVD i.e. cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, some studies have found that taking citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruits have especially protective benefits.

Next time, when you feel like munching something, grab a fruit, instead of stocking up on donuts and other eatables.

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Battling varicose veins with nutrition

Despite that, there is very less evidence to propose you can stop varicose veins or prevent, nutritional changes can make a world of difference. This article will help you know how to battle it naturally with food.

Veins are an elastic blood vessel that carries blood to the heart; they contain one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing back to the rest of the body. When the valves weaken varicose veins develop; letting the blood to pool in the veins without being pumped back to the heart. They appear as swollen or twisted veins and are often red or purple in color On the other hand, spider veins are also similar to varicose veins, but the difference is that they are smaller.


Affecting upto 60% of the population, it is a common disorder which affects women. In several cases, they are just a cosmetic concern, but in certain cases they are painful and can cause great discomfort. Having said that, it leads to others health complications in addition! Following are some of the natural supplements that will combat varicose veins naturally.

  1. Asparagus– Including it in your diet will add strength to your veins and capillaries, while preventing them from splitting. Ensure that you clean the shoots of it deeply because it will contain more dirt. Spray little olive oil and add some salt to taste; you can either grill it or have it micro-waved.
  2. Blueberries– it has a high concentration compound called anthocyanins which contributes to the physical condition of the collagen matrix by reducing the effect enzymes that tear down connective tissue and by foraging free radicals. It also repairs the damaged proteins in the blood vessel walls while improving the overall health of the vascular system.
  3. Rosemary– The herb contains an acid called rosmarinic acid which helps protect the tissues from free radical damage. Ursolic acid present in the herb strengthens the capillaries.
  4. Ginger– Known for its aromatic and pungent flavor, its ability to disband fibrin in blood vessels is used to treat varicose while improving circulation. It is fibrin that makes the vein lumpy and inflexible.
  5. Beets– Maintaining the elasticity of arteries, beets juice helps prevent varicose veins.

On the whole, healthy eating is a key to reduce the risk of varicose veins. More intake of fiber is highly suggested. Eating more vegetables along with unrefined grains like brown rice, oatmeal, rye, beans, and fruits is sure to make a world of difference to your pain.

Posted in food and nutrition, Fruit-Facts, Healthy Diet, Nutritional Fruits | Leave a comment