The tiger-paw-like appearance is the reason for the name shiny pepper. According to the scientists, the pepper is the first commercial habanero pepper which is the resistant to attack by microscopic, soil-dwelling worms known as root-knot nematodes.
Sweet peppers are generally cropped as green fruit, but if they are left to ripen, it will become red, while some will become yellow. For best output and quality, green peppers are cultivated when they attain full size, firm, and have thick flesh. Shortly the color will start to change. Few hot peppers are picked after they have change in color.
Peppers can be washed before packing. The peppers should be washed with warm water. Cold water washes will decrease the temperature of the pepper and that of the air inside the fruit cavity. This produces a partial vacuum which brings some of the wash water (and bacteria) into the fruit. This may lead to the infection of the fruit by the bacteria which can lead to subsequent breakdown.
Peppers can be washed before packing. The peppers should be washed with warm water. Cold water washes will decrease the temperature of the pepper and that of the air inside the fruit cavity. This produces a partial vacuum which brings some of the wash water (and bacteria) into the fruit. This may lead to the infection of the fruit by the bacteria which can lead to subsequent breakdown.

Peppers can be stored for about two weeks if they quickly cooled with forced air, hydrocooling or vacuum, to 7 to 10°C and maintained at 8 to 9°C. A high humidity of about 95 to 98% is best. Packaging in polyethylene, with the circulation of air to avoid condensation is preferable to waxing. Some ripening may occur at 10 degrees C.