Phalsa Fruit
Scientific name - Grewia asiatica
Phalsa tree has a scientific name Grewia asiatica which comes under the shrub category with a height of 8 m, the leaves are broadly rounded with a length and breadth of 5-18 cm and a petiole with 1-1.5 cm. The flowers are together as a bunch with 5 larger sepals and 5 smaller petals. It is mostly cultivated for both its sweet and sour acidic fruits, commercially doing good in the summer months holding a name falsa, they turn out to be black when they ripen. The fruit is a globose drupe with 1.8-2.2 cm in diameter minutely divided with a color of red or purple, the outer covering has a horny texture and stellate hairs , the flesh is so soft with mixed shades of greenish-white and purplish-red.

Nutritional Value of Phalsa Fruit
Calories (Kcal) | 90.5 |
Calories from fat (Kcal) | 0.0 |
Moisture (%) | 76.3 |
Fat (g) | <0.1 |
Protein (g) | 1.57 |
Carbohydrates (g) | 21.1 |
Dietary Fiber (g) | 5.53 |
Ash (g) | 1.1 |
Calcium (mg) | 136 |
Phosphorus (mg) | 24.2 |
Iron (mg) | 1.08 |
Potassium (mg) | 372 |
Sodium (mg) | 17.3 |
Vitamin A (µg) | 16.11 |
Vitamin B1,Thiamin (mg) | 0.02 |
Vitamin B2, Riboflavin (mg) | 0.264 |
Vitamin B3, Niacin (mg) | 0.825 |
Vitamin C, Ascorbic acid (mg) | 4.385 |

Phalsa fruits have an extremely good taste with a combination of sour, bitter and acidic taste, this fruits are a major attraction for the people in Pakistan and northern India as they mostly grow there. These fruits are most similar to fruits such as grapes, cranberry, jamuns and blueberries. Talking about their texture they are precisely similar to grapes with a white color pulp with a wonderful sweet taste added on to it.

Since their wood is strong and elastic they can be used to prepare shafts for golf sticks, shoulder poles and also for bearing small loads, bows, spear handles and shingles on to it.
The shoots from the tree are used in making baskets for carrying fruits and vegetables.
Their bark is very useful in making ropes due to the presence of a good amount of fiber, and also used in the process of clarification of sugarcane juice and also to prepare the traditional and famous brown sugar ‘gur’
These fruits are used as a desert when they are ripe , Owing to their taste and flavor they fetch a high cost. The juice prepared is a delicacy in India especially in summer.

Health Benefits of Phalsa Fruit
The fruits have many number of medical applications , the paste of the leaves cures skin ailments like eczema, eruptions, heals and wounds,
the fruits rawer part helps in curing blood disorders, fevers, inflammations , purification of blood also acts as a medicine for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs and sore throat
It solves urinary problems such as burning and their juice helps ease the problem of high acidity and indigestion.
The fruit controls the blood pressure and cholesterol also soothing liver and gall bladder problems,
The seeds are used for treating gonorrhea and fertility related problems, also safeguards from sunstroke and heals anemia .
The barks infusion is used in the treatment of rheumatism and diarrhea .

The propagation process takes place through the seeds, although the cutting process is difficult owing to the presence of the mucilage the reports postulate that the IBA treated cuttings could be rooted when they are planted in January . The bold seeds provide over 90 percent of germination on the month of July and the sow seeds are laid on elevated beds 2cm in depth and 10cm apart. Every seed must have 2cm distance between them. The seeds must be covered with sand with mixture ratio of + F.Y.M 50 : 50 ratio.
The procedure for applying water is using a sprinkler done immediately after sowing , the seed beds must not be over flooded in any case which might cause root tot fungus Phythium to turn up. After the process of germination apply 1 percent Bavistin solution and Dursban 20EC (chlorophyriphos) at 10 ml/L of water succeeding 30 days of seed sowing to examine the attacks of white ants, Transplanting of seeds will be ready in January.

For checking shoot growth the apices of the shoots must be pinched in mid-May for the equal ripening.
Ripening starts at the first week of June and continues till the month end. Harvesting is done two times per week. The packing is done in small baskets of 2kg size otherwise in packs. The fruit gets easily spoilt so it must be transferred to market shortly after harvest.

The bigger fruits generally have a two big seeds, on the contrary the smaller ones have one seed. Compared to other fruits it could be eaten directly rather than cutting it out. De-seeding process is very difficult in case preferred as juice, but using a powerful blender can actually help but pre-blending the fruits ought to be soaked overnight and boiled with sugar next day if sweetness is opted or else the process can be avoided. Blending is done until a pulpy consistency is obtained and finally the mix is strained in cheesecloth.

If stored at room temperature must be consumed within 2 days, or else the fruit can be stored in shallow clamshell containers (identical to the storage containers of strawberries and raspberries) and placed inside the refrigerator which will help the life span to boost up.