Pome Fruits
The pome fruits are the varieties that includes the following type of fruits:

Apples have been a very important food in all cooler climates, and are probably the earliest tree to be cultivated.
To a greater degree than other fruit tree, except possibly citrus, apples store for months while still retains much of their nutritive value.
Winter apples, picked in late autumn and stored just as above freezing, have been an important food in the Asia and Europe for millennia, and the United States since the arrival of Europeans.

The Chokeberries (Aroma) are two species of deciduous shrubs in the family called Rosaceous, native to eastern North America.
The two species are readily distinguished by their fruit colour, from that the common names derive.
The leaves are alternate, very simple, and with crenate margins; in autumn the leaves turn a bold red colour.
The flowers are quite small, with 5 petals, and also produced in corymbs of 10-25 together.
The fruit is a small Pome, with a very astringent, bitter flavor; it is eaten by birds (birds do not taste astringency and feed on them readily), which then disperse the seeds in their droppings.
The name "chokeberry" comes from the astringency of the fruit, which are inedible raw.
Red Chokeberry are, Aronia arbutifolia, grows to 2-4 m tall, rarely up to 6 m, with leaves 5-8 cm long.
The flowers are white or also with pale pink, 1 cm diameter, and the fruit red, 4-7 mm diameter.
Black Chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa, tends to be the smaller, rarely exceeding 1 m tall, rarely 3 m, and spreads readily by root sprouts.
The leaves are very smaller, not more than 6 cm long. The flowers are white, 1.5 cm diameter, and the fruit black, 6-9 mm diameter.
The two species can hybridize, giving the Purple Chokeberry, Aronia x prunifolia. It is intermediate between the parents, having purple berries.

The Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) is a species of bird cherry (Prunus subgenus Padus) native to North America, where it is fould almost throughout the continent except for the Deep South and the far north.
It is a suckering shrub or small tree growing to 5 m tall.
The leaves are oval, 3-10 cm long, with a coarsely serrated margin.
The flowers are produced in racemes of 15-30 in late spring (well after leaf emergence).
The fruit are about 1 cm diameter, bright red, with a very astringent and sour taste.
There are two varieties, Common Chokecherry Prunus virginiana var. virginiana. Eastern North America. Leaves are hairless, underneath or downy only in the vein axils.
Western Chokecherry Prunus virginiana var. demissa. Western North America.
Leaves are downy underneath.

Hawthorn is the name of a large group of shrubs and very small trees in the genus Cartages, family Rosaceous, characterized by their small, apple-like fruits and thorny branches.
The fruits are sometimes known as 'haws', from which the name derived.
The original name was applied to the species native to northern Europe, especially the Common Hawthorn.
monogyny, but is now applied to the entire genus.
They are native to the temperate northern hemisphere.
The number of species in the group could extend to a thousand or more, though some botanists would reduce the number of species considerably.

The June berry (Amelanchier Anatolia) is a serviceberry found in western North America.
Large numbers of small white flowers appear in spring.
The small purple berries, actually pomes, ripen in June and July.
This large perennial shrub may grow up to 5 meters in height; it is often found in clusters.
The June berry is also known as the Saskatoon berry, from the Cree word "misaskwatomin".
The city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is named after this plant.
The Native American food pemmican was flavored by Serviceberry fruits in combination with dried meats, and the stems were made into arrow shafts.

Pears are trees of the genus Pyrus and the fruit of that tree, edible in some species.
Pears are native to temperate regiona of the Old World, from Western Europe and north Africa east right across Asia.
They are medium sized trees, reaching 10-17 m tall, often with a tall, narrow crown; a few species are shrubby.
The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 2-12 cm long, glossy green on some species, densely silvery-hairy in some others; leaf shape varies from broad oval to narrow lanceolate.
Most pears are deciduous, but one or two species in Southeast Asia are evergreen.
here are about 30 species of pears.
Three are important for edible fruit production, the European Pear Pyrus communist cultivated mainly in Europe and North America, the Ya Pear Pyrus bretschneideri, and the Nashi Pear Pyrus pyrifolia (also known as Asian Pear or Apple Pear), both grown mainly in eastern Asia. There are thousands of cultivars of these three species.

The Quince Cydonia oblonga, the sole member of the genus Cydonia, is a small to medium size tree native to warm-temperate southwest Asia in the Caucasus region.
It is a fruit tree related to apples and pears, and like them has a pome fruit, which is bright golden yellow when mature, pear-shaped, 7-12 cm long and 6-9 cm broad; the fruit flesh is hard, and strongly perfumed.
The immature fruit are green, with dense grey-white pubescence which mostly (but not all) rubs off before maturity.
The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 6-11 cm long, with an entire margin and densely pubescent with fine white hairs.
The flowers, produced in spring after the leaves, are white or pink, 5 cm across, with five petals.

The genus Sorbus, or the Whitebeams, Rowans, and Service Trees, is a genus of about 100-200 species trees and shrubs in the subfamily Maloideae of the Rose family Rosaceae.
Service tree bears a fruit known as a sorb or sorb apple.
The exact number of species is disputed considerably between different authorities, due to the number of apomictic microspecies, treated by some as distinct species, by others grouped in a much smaller number of variable species.