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Top Nutritional Health Fruits 40-20

There are more than 2000 fruits, but each one has unique features and health benefits. Fruits are consumed by everyone on a daily basis. But how many of us know the health benefits of fruits? So this site provides you health benefits and characteristics of different fruits.

Fruits Home  Full List of Fruits Top Nutritional Health Fruits 40-20


40.Custard Apple
38.Prickly pear fruit
37.Golden Berry
33.Juniper berry
29.Red berries
26.Goji berry

Custard apple comes in various shapes from oblong to heart shaped fruit. The unripe fruit is green in color which turns yellowish green when it is fully mature. Custard apple has a creamy, juicy flesh with a pleasant tropical aroma.

Custard  Apple-tropical-fruit SugarApple


Custard apples contain potassium and sodium in a balanced proportion that helps to control blood pressure. It also has other nutrients like magnesium, Vitamin C and it is rich in antioxidants. The magnesium content helps in relaxing heart muscles reducing the risk of heart attack. Custard apples may reduce fatigue and lower the bad cholesterol level. It also has anticancer and anti inflammatory properties

  1. Thai Lessard: It is also very highly regarded in tropical and subtropical areas. Fruits with sweet custard-like pulp are from 3 to 5 inches in diameter with a lumpy green skin and ahead maturity the fruit has a bluish or white blush. Some varieties are developed that have a red blush or red skin which are more attractive. At maturity fruits have a custard like white pulp with small black seeds and the sweet flesh is eaten fresh or used for milkshakes and ice creams.
  2. Kampong Mauve: The fruit is round in shape or heart-shaped or ovate or conical, 2 to 3 inches in diameter, yellowish green, green, pink or purple in color with attractive nature. The surface is a tuberculate and covered with a whitish bloom. The pulp is white, custard-like, sweet and a little acidulous in flavor.

Nutrition chart


Health Benefits
  1. Fights Cancer
  2. Custard apple is rich in vitamin C which helps in neutralizing the free radicals in the body.
  3. The vitamin A content in the fruit makes your skin and hair healthy and enhances vision.
  4. It is also rich in vitamin B6 and potassium.
  5. Magnesium which is present in custard apple helps in protecting the heart from cardio vascular diseases and relaxing the muscles.
  6. It equalizes the water balance in the body and helps to remove the acids from joints thereby reducing the problem of rheumatism and arthritis.

custard apple fruit digestion
Traditional Uses
  • Various parts of A. squamosa tree have been used in traditional folkloric medicine.
  • Crushed leaves are sniffed to overcome hysteria and fainting spells; they are also applied on ulcers and wounds and a leaf decoction is taken in cases of dysentery in India.
  • A decoction of the leaves alone or with those of other plants is imbibed either as an emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic, cold remedy, digestive, or to clarify the urine throughout tropical America.

Sapotaceae is spherical or in oval shape with a rusty brown skin. The flesh has a grainy sweet flavor with a combination of brown sugar and pear. It has a unique aroma which makes them completely love it or hate it.

honey berry


Sapota is one of the high calorie fruits with natural fructose and sucrose which gives you a lot of energy. The high tannin content in sapota has anti-inflammatory properties. They are rich in Vitamin A and C which promotes your eye health, boosts your immunity and prevents heart disorders. The antioxidants present in the sapota reduces the risk of oral cavity cancer. It provides us with minerals like iron, folates, calcium, magnesium, potassium and copper which facilitates bone growth and overall immune system..

Health Benefits

  1. Sapodilla is one of the high-calorie fruits; 100 g provides 83 calories (almost same as that of calories in sweet potato, and banana). Additionally, it is an excellent source of dietary fiber (5.6 g/100g), which makes it a good bulk laxativeThe fruit is rich in antioxidant polyphenolic compound tannin.
  2. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effect of tannins helps limit conditions like erosive gastritis, reflux esophagitis, enteritis, and irritating bowel disorders. Some other fruits that also rich in tannins include pomegranate, persimmon, and grapes.


Fragosika is commonly known as prickly pear and is a fruit of nopal plant. It is a small, spherical, colorful fruit covered with small spines and has a mixed melon flavor. Prickly pear fruit juice is a popular beverage packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins like magnesium, amino acids, iron, calcium, beta carotene, potassium, Vitamin B and C. It helps to lower the blood sugar level and plays a potential role in weight loss. Fragosika prevents ulcer, constipation and regulates the blood sugar level.



Prickly pear fruit juice is a popular beverage packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins like magnesium, amino acids, iron, calcium, beta carotene, potassium, Vitamin B and C. It helps to lower the blood sugar level and plays a potential role in weight loss. Fragosika prevents ulcer, constipation and regulates the blood sugar level.

Health Benefits
  1. Antiviral
  2. Protects nerve cells
  3. Contains antioxidants
  4. Regulates blood sugar levels
  5. Treats enlarged prostate
  6. Reduces cholesterol
  7. Eliminates hangovers
  8. Forms and doses.

prickly pear fruit

Health Benefits

The prickly pear cacti helps in treating type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, alcohol hangovers, colitis, diarrhea and also benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). It helps in combating viral based infections. It is used to treat diabetes in a natural way which is popular in the native regions and declared to possess hypoglycemic effects. The cultivation of the fruit is on a large scale and used in the manufacture of juices, candies, teas and alcoholic drinks. The American Indians utilize the fruit?s juice in order to heal burns and also the history reveals that the juice was a traditionally used as a medicine to treat diabetes by the Ancient Mexican people .There is also record of the usage of the fruit in the olden days as a remedy for diabetes, lipid disorders, inflammation, ulcers and also pharmacologic side effects.

prickly pear fruit uses


Golden berry is also known as Cape gooseberry has a round smooth exterior resembling a yellow tomato. They have a sweet tropical taste similar to pineapple and mango. They contain a moderate amount of Vitamin C, thiamine and niacin. Golden berry boosts your immune system, eyesight and promotes your bone health.


star apple star apple

Golden berries are bright, orange-colored fruits that are closely related to the tomatillo. Like tomatillos, they are wrapped in a papery husk called a calyx that must be removed before eating. Slightly smaller than cherry tomatoes, these fruits have a sweet, tropical taste somewhat reminiscent of pineapple and mango.

  1. Digestive Health
  2. High in Antioxidants
  3. Has Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
  4. Diabetes management
  5. May Improve Vision
  6. May Boost Immune system
  7. Useful for Weight loss
  8. May Fight Prostate Cancer

lychee fruit healthy small

Lychee is a small tropical fruit from the rambutan and longan family. Lychees have a pink red leathery skin and white jelly flesh with sweet and floral fragrance. They have an inedible black seed in the center. Lychee is a great source of dietary fiber, which promotes weight loss, they also contain nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and copper


Lychee is a well known popular Chinese fruit, resident to low elevations of the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian in Southern China. Taste and Season:The tissue of the Lychee (once peeled from its hard spiky shell) tastes sweet, fragrant and delicious, however unfortunately the season for Lychee is fairly short which is from May to mid July. As a result different kinds of canned Lychee, Lychee juices and Lychee flavoured products have become offered in supermarket. China started to sell to other countries Lychees many years ago, but Lychees are hard to export because they ruin quickly. Most quantities are shipped to the United States and other overseas markets by air, or by sea in reefer. FDL has direct relationship with juice producers in more than 40 countries around the world. We are continuously working with fast growing markets in particular in China and can source well-established and new fruit types for any necessity.

lychee fruit nutrition
  • Chinese translated the best one as gift for a joyful life, of course lives up to its name.
  • The lychee fruit contains vitamins and minerals that help a healthy diet, it is sweet and delicious and it has been enjoyed joyfully by natives of southeast Asia for centuries.
  • Everybody who eats the lychee fruit immediately falls in love with it. But if the information that lychee is so delicious doesn?t not influence you to try it, maybe hearing some of the health benefits of lychee will make you give this tropical fruit a second look
  • Many studies enclose publicized that eating lychee fruit may reduce the risk of cancer
  • One such study was a published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology showing that lychee fruit inhibits the construction and development of breast cancer.

Longan looks like a small chikku and has a white translucent flesh with large black seed. They have a musky sweet taste which can be compared to that of lychee. It is rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Longan helps you lose weight and benefits the liver and pancreas. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue, and improves the immune system. Longan fruits are commonly consumed fresh or made into juice. They are also combined with cocktails, candies and wine.

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Loganberries are used as an ingredient in jams, pies, crumbles, syrups and wines. Loganberry drink was urbanized by entrepreneurs in the late 1800s at Crystal Beach, one time amusement park. Loganberries are purchased as syrup from local supermarkets to be used at home.

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logan fruit benefits
  • Loganberries are high in Vitamin C, Manganese, Vitamin K, Folate, Copper and Dietary Fiber.
  • The fruit is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium
  • Loganberries are used as an ingredient in jams, pies, crumbles, syrups and wines..
  • Loganberry drink was urbanized by entrepreneurs in the late 1800s at Crystal Beach, one time amusement park..
  • Loganberries are purchased as syrup from local supermarkets to be used at home.

marumi fruit

Kumquats are small, oblong and thick orange edible skin that has a sour flavour with a trace of sweetness. Kumquats are particularly rich in Vitamin C and have a fair amount of fiber, Vitamin A, calcium and manganese. They can be added into liqueurs and cocktails to add flavor. It helps to fight obesity , heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Kumquats promote weight loss and maintain blood sugar level. It can be eaten whole without removing the skin or can be spitted out to eat the flesh.


Kumquat is also known as Kin Kan belongs to the native China and Indochina.This Fruit is rich in Dietary fiber and Vitamin C. Kumquats are small, oval citrus fruits. They are usually between one to two inches long and have leathery orange or yellow skin. The fruit has a sweet outer skin and a tart inner flesh.

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Health Benefits
  • kumquats are low in calories. 100 g of fresh fruit contain only 71 calories.
  • They are incredibly rich sources of health benefiting dietary fiber.
  • The minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants present in this fruit contribute immense benefits to our health and wellness.
  • Kumquats can be eaten along with the peel contains unique feature that differentiates them from other citrus family fruits.
  • The peel is rich in essential oils, anti-oxidants, and fiber. 100 g kumquats provide 17% recommended levels of of tannins, pectin, hemi-cellulose, and other non-starch polysaccharides.
  • Fresh fruits contain adequate levels of anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, C and E.
  • These phyto-chemical compounds in kumquat fruit helps scavenge harmful oxygen derived free radicals from the body and thereby protect us from cancers, diabetes, degenerative diseases and infections.

  • kumquats also very rich in vitamin C.
  • Vitamin-C is one of powerful natural anti-oxidant which has many essential biological roles like collagen synthesis and wound healing; anti-viral , anti-cancer activity and helps prevent from neuro-degenerative diseases, arthritis, diabetes,.etc by removing oxidant free-radicals from the body.
  • Kumquats contain good levels of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, pyridoxine, folates and pantothenic acid.
  • These vitamins function for metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • also contains minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and zinc.
  • Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.
  • Iron is required for red blood cell formation as well for cellular oxidation.

kumquats Marumi fruit

Juniper trees produce seed cones called juniper berries that have varied colors from blue to black. They have a tart, woody and spicy flavour that is commonly used as spice or flavouring agent. They have Vitamin C and flavonoid antioxidants to reduce the risk of chronic conditions including heart and neurodegenerative diseases. Juniper berries have anti-inflammatory, ant diabetic and antioxidant properties.

juniper berry 3 fruit

Juniper is a kind of berry which actually is the modified female seed cone. It possesses distinct appearance of unusual fleshy and merged scales on its rind. The fruit often used as a spice in European cuisine due to its distinctive flavor. Most of the juniper berries even the ripened possess bitter taste.

Juniper berry fruit healthy

Health Benefits

  1. The juice of juniper berries is used for curing several diseases such as cystitis, intestinal infections, arthritis, circulatory problems, neuralgia, urinary tract disorders, edema, bladder and kidney disorders, gout, stomach ulcers, flatulence and indigestion, colds and asthma, sinusitis and other inflammations.
  2. The dosage of juniper berries should not be given beyond six weeks.
  3. The oils that have been extracted from these berries are used for healing lung congestion and respiratory problems.
  4. The tars of the juniper berry are used to treat stubborn skin problems.
  5. The herbal extract is also used to stimulate menstruation in young girls.

  • Juniper berries helps to heal urinary problems and it is used as a combination with other herbs for eliminating excess water in the body.
  • Dried juniper fruits are used in teas as it cures dyspepsia.
  • The berries possess detoxifying properties and are used in the treatment of wounds, inflammatory diseases including gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • In addition, it helps to clear congestion and improves better breathing.

Jujube is red fruit with wrinkled skin that looks similar to dates, so it is commonly known as red dates. They have sweet and chewy flesh with earthy flavour. Jujube has a plentiful amount of vitamin C and fiber content. It has moderate amounts of potassium and protein. It is widely used as an alternative medicine to treat insomnia and anxiety. It promotes your nervous system, immunity and digestive system.

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Indian jujube with its scientific name being Ziziphus mauritiana, it is a spiny, evergreen shrub. This small tree is up to 15 m high, with trunk 40 cm or more in diameter. Coming to the figural aspects of the tree, they have stipule spines, spreading crown and countless drooping branches. The shape and size of the fruit is indefinite. Based on the variety of the fruit, it can be oval, oblong, and obovate or round which can be 1-2.5 in (2.5-6.25 cm) long. With a pleasant aroma, the flesh of the fruit is white and crisp while being smooth, glossy, slender but rigid. It is quite juicy when they are not fully ripe.

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Health benefits
  1. Indian jujube helps to cure cold and cough.
  2. It helps to come out from stress and anxiety and also controls lower blood pressure.
  3. It cures liver diseases, anemia and purpura.

  • Rich in vitamin C, the fruit is eaten raw.
  • This nutritious fruit is also pickled or used in beverages.
  • Much higher than apples or citrus, they are second only to guava.
  • Fruits those are under ripe are candied by a process of pricking and immersed in salt solution.
  • On the other hand, ripe fruits are sun-dried and preserved in a powder form for out-of-season uses.
  • The fruits of Indian jujubes contain 20 to 30% sugar, up to 2.5% protein and 12.8% carbohydrates.
  • Fruits are best consumed in other forms, such as dried, candied, pickled, as juice, or as per butter.

Gooseberries are round, edible yellowish green or reddish berry with a thin translucent hairy skin. They taste like Muscat grape flavour. When they are consumed raw and unripe and have a sour taste when fully matured. Gooseberries are rich in nutrients and low in calories and fat, thus helping in weight loss. They are a good source of essential nutrients including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. Gooseberries help you to improve your brain health, control blood sugar and have anticancer effects They are used as flavouring agents in beverages such as soda, water, milk, wine and teas. Gooseberries can also be processed into jams and dried fruits.

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This is an Ornamental plant whose calyx gets enlarge into a kind of membranous cage, after flowering it is being surrounded by a large berry. It has a fairly sweet taste and can be eaten raw or cooked. It is very pleasing to the eye when the five petals of the calyx are opened around the fruit. They have a slight sweet-sour taste. Gooseberries are bitter, even though it is used in sweet preparations. These piquant fruit turns out from a pale green to an amber or gold color as they get ripen and offer a flavor similar to a gooseberry or a tart green grape. Cape gooseberry supplies are imported from Colombia and South America, the places where they grow wild and are gathered. The fruit matches well with meat and savory foods. Under good conditions it may reach 6 ft. The purplish, spreading branches are covered with fine hairs. As the fruits ripen, they begin to drop to the ground, but will continue to mature. Sometimes the stored fruit can be adversely affected by Penicillium and Botrytis molds.

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Health benefits
  1. Cape Gooseberries are well known for its blood purifying capacity.
  2. They are also known for other medicinal qualities which is being a source of provitamin A, Vitamin B & C.
  3. In India scientists have isolated physalolactone C from the leaves, a minor steroidal constituent.

  • Cape Gooseberries are available the year around.
  • The fruit can be unwrapped and eaten as is or can be dipped in melted chocolate.
  • The fruit is said to be a cross between a gooseberry and a cherry tomato.
  • Tomatillos or cherry tomatoes can be used as a substitute for Cape Gooseberries.
  • The unripe fruit is said to be poisonous to some people.
  • The fruit is mainly used in making jams; traditional medicine and can also be consumed.
  • This is a soft-wooded, perennial plant usually reaches up to 2 to 3 ft. in height.


Persimmon is a glossy yellow orange spherical shaped fruit. It is inedible to humans and it is consumed occasionally. Persimmon has a high level of dietary fiber and dietary minerals. It is rich in vitamin C,A,B6 and has a good ratio of iron content. Asian persimmon is the most consumed persimmon and it is native to Japan, China and Korea. The fruit increases its glucose content when it's ripped. It tastes different from other fruits and it is sweet. Persimmon is fat free and contains natural sugar. Unripe persimmon makes your mouth numb as it is inedible because of tannins. Tannins create proteins in saliva and tongue to coagulate. Persimmon fruit cannot be eaten with foods like milk, crab as both are high protein foods. Persimmon can be eaten by cutting into half and scooping the fruit with a spoon. Persimmons can be eaten every day and it is advisable to eat after a meal as they help in digestion. Persimmons are safe to eat and it is not advisable to eat a persimmon with milk or yoghurt.

Fuyu-persimmon Hachiya persimmon


A Persimmon is a fruit belongs to number of species of trees of the group Diospyros in the ebony woodland family. The word persimmon is resulting from putchamin or pasiminan from Powhatan, an Algonquian language of the eastern United States, it is called as "a dry fruit".The American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is native to the eastern United States and is higher in nutrients like vitamin C and calcium than the Japanese Persimmon.Its fruit is traditionally eaten in a special steamed pudding in the Midwest and sometimes its timber is used as a substitute for ebony (e.g. in instruments).The Black Persimmon or Black Sapote (Diospyros digyna) is native to Mexico. Its fruit has green skin and white flesh, which turns black when ripe.The Mabolo or Velvet-apple(Diospyros discolor) is native to the Philippines. It is bright red when ripe. It is also native to China, where it is known as shizi. It is also known as Korean Mango.There are many other species of Diospyros that are inedible to humans, and thus have little or no commercial value for their fruit.

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Health benefits
  1. It is used as a fixed Chinese remedy for hiccups. Its good for staying Young and healthy.
  2. Persimmon cake is also used as a conventional medicine for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, lung infections and asthma. To make persimmon cake the fruit must be plucked when the skin starts turning yellow in color.
  3. Astringent taste of persimmon can help stop diarrhea, reduces sweating, and slows or stops bleeding.
  4. Persimmons can help to prevent cancer due to high content of vitamin A.
  5. Persimmon is good for skin. It makes for an excellent facial mask.
  6. Persimmon fruits contain healthy amounts of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper and phosphorus. These are believed to be powerful free radical scavengers and boost the production of blood cells.

Red berries are small in size with reddish pink color. It is soft in nature and has a round shaped structure. Red berries are considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is rich in nutrients, fiber and contains vitamin c. Red berries are proven to prevent many chronic diseases. Consuming three or more red berries may cause vomiting, diarrhea and prolonged nausea. 50% of red berries are edible. Eating of red berries daily will boost your immunity and reduce the symptoms of diabetes, obesity and heart related diseases. It is also said that consuming small amounts of berries daily will help in strengthening the metabolism and prevent all kinds of metabolic deficiency. Red berries are safe to eat and they should be consumed in low quantities.

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Rambutan is a fruit which looks like numerous hairs pinned on it with reddish skin. As the fruit name is derived from the malay word “Rambut” which means “hair”. The milky whitened fruit tastes more of a lychee. It contains a modest amount of diverse nutrients including Vitamin C, copper, phosphorus, potassium and iron. It has a balanced content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids which is high in fat content. The seed of the Rambutan fruit is not advisable to eat where the flesh of the Rambutan fruit is safe to eat. Rambutan seed is said to produce toxic when it is eaten raw or in large amounts. Rambutan plays a vital role in the growth of cells including bones, brain and heart. It can be eaten by peeling the skin and removing the grape like flesh. It's safe to remove the seeds which are attached with the flesh.

Hairless Rambutan1


Rambutan fruit is naturally red in color but they sometimes seem like yellow or orange. 'Rambut' is a malay word which means hair, hence it got its name because of the Thorn like appearance. The shape of Rambutan fruit is round or oval and it is upto three to six to four cm in dimension. Rambutan is borne in clusters. Its leather like skin has flexible thorns. It has brownish seed with two to three cm in size and is basally scarred. It is soft and crusty.Even though the raw seeds are poisonous, they may be eaten after cooking. Complete ripe fruits are mostly ugly brown in colour. The Rambutan tree grows upto 10 to 20 m in height. Its alternate leaves are 10 to 30 cm in length and have three to eleven leaflets, each and with an entire margin have a special structure. Small Flowers with leaf petal which are about 2 1/2 to 5 mm in size are in disk-shape and they have bloomed cluster wise.Taste-A good rambutan has a firm and juicy flesh. It has a sweat taste, and it is somewhat similar taste of lychee fruit. The tree will actually look like a enlarged Chirstmas tree. A rambutan is best within mid-season somewhere around June-August as they seem to be most sweet, and large.. It is more sweet than sour. When it gets ripened the flesh separates easily from the seed. But when it is not quite ripe, the flesh sticks to the rambutan seed and the taste is a little sour overall, still not a bad taste though.

Nutritional Value:
It is a good source of vitamin C and calcium, rambutan fruit provides fairly a good amount of niacin, iron, protein and fiber. A recent study found out that eating nine to ten fruits and vegetables of rambutan family per day, were effective in lowering blood pressure.

Health benefits
  1. Rambutan fruit contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. Coat tannin of fruit and Leaves contain saponin. The seeds always contain fat and polifenol.
  2. Persimmon cake is also used as a conventional medicine for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, lung infections and asthma. To make persimmon cake the fruit must be plucked when the skin starts turning yellow in color.
  3. Skin and stem contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substances, and iron.
  4. Rambutans roots, bark, and leaves have various uses in the production of dyes and drugs. Part of this plant can be used as a medicinal fruit and have benefits for health such as
  5. Reduce Body Fat,Make skin softer,Hair care,Treat dysentery,Treat diabetes

Kiwi has a fuzzy brown exterior and pale green flesh speckled with a ring of tiny edible black seeds. It is a delicate fruit with mixed tart-sweet flavor, which can be delightfully refreshing. Kiwis are a nutritional powerhouse with amazing health benefits. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin E, folate, potassium, fiber and antioxidants. They help to treat asthma, digestion, boost the immune system and can manage blood pressure. It prevents macular degeneration causing vision loss and reduces blood clotting. It can be eaten raw or easily mixed in a number of recipes.

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The kiwi fruit was originated in China and it was famous as theChinese gooseberry until New Zealand fruit growers renamed it for their national bird and began exporting it. Today, kiwi fruit is also a marketable crop in California. Kiwi fruit have a weighs about four ounces with 3-inch long. It has a unique appearance, with flesh green creamy and tiny black seeds. It is an exotic fruit that has a wonderful flavor. It acts as a compact reservoir of vitamin C and in the present times of the fruits.Taste-The taste of kiwi fruit, which varies from sweet to sharp, has been compared with a mixture of other fruits, like strawberries, nectarines, and melons. It is so sweet to taste the fruit.Kiwi fruit blends well with other fruits and makes a striking decorate, but it is also highly satisfying to eat on its own .it is higher in vitamin C than most fruits and is a good source of potassium. For the sweetest, fullest flavour, choose plump, odorous kiwi fruit that yield to gentle pressure, like ripe peaches. Unripe fruit has a hard core and a tart, harsh taste. If only firm kiwis are available in the place, ripen them for a few days before eating them. Reject dried-up or mushy fruits, or those with bruises or wet spots.

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Health benefits

Kiwifruit is a fruit rich in nutrients, and it has the highest density of power of vitamin C, as compared to any fruit in the season. It is also an excellent source of fiber, and possesses more potassium content than a banana. It is also a good source of vitamin E and potassium. It is extremely low in fat content and contains absolutely no cholesterol. The nutritional profile of kiwifruit rates as a; 8% DV of folic acid, 8% DV of copper, 8% DV of pantothenic acid, 6% DV of calcium and magnesium, 4% DV of iron and vitamin B6, 2% DV of phosphorus and sketch amounts of vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals.

  • Kiwifruit contains an antimutagenic component, which helps in preventing the mutations of genes that may initiate the cancer process. The presence of glutathione in the fruit also reduces the chances of cancer in the body.
  • The fruit contains ample amounts of Inositol, which, as studies indicate is an excellent way of treating depression
  • Inositol, is a sugar alcohol, which is a naturally occurring substance in kiwifruit. It plays a substantial role in regulating diabetes. Inositol supplements
  • Inositol also plays a key role in intracellular responses to hormones and neurotransmitters. It acts as a second messenger in cell signaling processes
  • Regular consumption of kiwifruit ensures good Eye Health prevents Macular Degeneration
  • Many scientists believe that the Sodium-to-potassium ratio is critical for heart health. This ratio is extremely favorable in kiwifruit
  • The high content of Vitamin C in the fruit makes it an effective immunity booster
  • Kiwifruit contains the amino acid arginine, a well-known vasodilator that has been used to treat impotency in men.Kiwifruit contains a wide range of minerals (electrolytes) essential for replenishing those lost during exercise, especially during hot weather
  • Serotonin causes a calming effect in most individuals, the Kiwifruit contains a relatively high level of serotonin.Kiwifruit has the best balance of nutrients per calorie, and thus, is the best fruit to opt for, when on a weight management diet.

Goji berry is an attractive bright red fruit that is also known as wolfberries. They have a sweet, slightly sour taste that are mostly eaten in dried form like raisins. It contains all essential amino acids and a good source of vitamin and minerals including VitaminC, fiber, iron, Vitamin A, zinc and antioxidants. Goji berries should be consumed in limited amounts to avoid the risk of vitamin A toxicity. It helps to maintain blood sugar, promotes eye and skin health. They are effectively used to increase testosterone levels. Goji berries can be eaten like raisins or mixed with breakfast cereal and yogurt.

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goji berries fruit small

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goji berry fruit nutrition small

Fig is a unique fruit with the shape of teardrop that can be either green or purple. They have thin skin with red edible flesh and hundreds of tiny seeds. Figs contain natural sugar and have low calories, while dried figs are high in calories. They are particularly rich in Vitamin B6 and copper, which plays an important role in brain health. It is used to treat health conditions related to the endocrine, reproductive system, digestive system and respiratory system. Fresh figs can be added in desserts, salads and can be made into jam. Dried figs are commonly consumed due to their health benefits and honey like sweetness.

biriba full ripe


fig is and endemic plant, to familiarize with the term endemic it simply means in the (ecological state) a plant or an animal belonging exclusively only to one region, national, climatic region or a defined habitat. These plants are exclusively confined to only one place and cannot be spotted elsewhere. Making them one rare plant. Desert fig is mainly grown in Northern and Central parts of Australia. Adding on to its uniqueness this plant is a lithophyte plant, lithophyte planrs are ones that grow on rocks. These plans survive on rainwaters on the rocks and also feces of other plants and also their own dead cells. Growing up to 10 meters high these shrubs have fine hair on them and they are usually seen clinging in rocks. Other plants growing as lithophytes apart from desert figs are algae, ferns, liverworts and Paphiopedilum orchids are a few to mention. This small shrub grows brachlet that are covered in fine hairs that helps them retain moisture in hot climate. The leaves of this plant are alternately arranged making anoval shaped leaf that measures 5.3 to 16.7 long and widens upto 3.1 to 13.3 cm wide. The downside or undersurface of the plant has a furry texture to it and it bears oval shaped fruits that are visually appealing as they are seen growing in hues of pinks, yellow, orange, purple and sometimes even red.

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Boysenberry is a hybrid of European raspberry and blackberry. The succulent fruit has the sweet, floral hint of raspberry and juicy intensity of blackberry and mixed tangy flavour. It is an aggregate fruit with deep maroon color and has large seeds. The major nutrients in boysenberries are manganese, VitaminB9, fiber, Iron and carbohydrate. It helps to maintain blood pressure, improve digestive system, heart health and brain health. Boysenberry also inhibits kidney stones, prevents diabetes and premature aging. The Vitamin B-complex has shown to be helpful for pregnant women and their babies. It may be eaten raw, in fruit salads, milkshakes, and to garnish in tarts. They can also be made into jams, muffins, pies, preserves and pancakes.

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Boysenberry is a prickly bramble of uncertain origin but ultimately derived from a western North American blackberry. The fruits are common during late May to early July season. It should be eaten within two or three days of purchase.

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Health benefits
  • High in Vitamin C and fiber which helps to reduce the risk of cancer
  • Rich source of anthocyanins, natural antioxidants which help to maintain healthy brain cells and protect against oxidative damage
  • It is effective against tumors of the colon and esophagus
  • It helps to lower cholesterol and maintain heart problem
  • It's important for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects in the unborn baby
  • Contain high levels of anthocyanins that work as antioxidants to help fight free radical damage in the body

  1. It's used for making part of jams, pies, syrups and, wine
  2. According to Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC) the antioxidant level of boysenberries indicates a value of 42moles/TE/gramc which has a good reputation for antioxidant properties
  3. The nutritive value of boysenberries helps to reduce weight and maintains optimum health
  4. It is used in many yummy recipes

Cherry is bright red to black fruit comes in different shapes from round to heart. The common cherry is popular for its sweetness while others have tart and sweet flavor. Cherries are rich in carbohydrate, Vitamin C and potassium. It also has a trace amount of copper and manganese. Cherry helps you to maintain your immune system, skin health and helps to regulate blood pressure. Fiber content in cherries promotes a healthy digestive system. They are packed with antioxidants and inflammatory compounds which may reduce chronic disease including diabetes, heart disease, premature aging and cancer. Cherry can be eaten raw as a healthy snack and may be used in both sweet and savory dishes

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Cherry trees are usually grown on Mazzard or Mahaleb seedlings, or clonal selection Mazzard F 12/1 which gives vigorous, standard sized trees. Recently some new rootstocks such as Colt and the Gisela series produce fruit trees from standard size down to 45% of normal. These new root stocks are not yet widely tested in B.C. Semi-dwarf cherry trees may be kept at 12 ft high (3.6 meters). Cherry trees are vigorous and fast growing. In the nurseries and garden centers, cherry trees range from 5-8 ft tall (1.5 - 2.4 meters). If left alone the fruiting area may not be reached from the ground, necessitating use of ladders. Home gardeners need to think about their needs, namely fruit, shade, lawn mowers, etc. Normally, at planting time trees are headed at 30-40 inches above the ground. If the tree is for shade or if you need to get mowers under the scaffold branches, you may choose to head higher. Cherry trees are trained to an open-center system. Retention of the central leader will result in a tall, narrow tree.

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Durian fruit has a plentiful amount of nutrients, but it was banned in many countries due to its potent stench similar to rotten fruit. Durian has a strange combination of sweet, savoury and creamy flesh. It looks exactly like a jackfruit on the exterior and has custard-like interior with large seeds. Durian has a plenteous amount of Vitamin C, thiamine, manganese, Vitamin B6, potassium and riboflavin. It is also blessed with many other vitamins and minerals. Durians benefit your heart health and reduce the risk of cancer. It has anti anti-bacterial and anti-yeast properties. Durian is made into juice, soup, candy, ice cream, and side dish.

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Durian is a big fruit, which is spiky and green colour, native to Malaysia and Indonesia. In fact, it is considered as "King of the Fruit" throughout the South East Asia. It has a creamy surface, and the taste of its flesh takes eaters into ecstasies. It has an extremely nasty odor described as garlic like, similar to stinky feet, and like Limburger cheese. Some countries even veto the presence of durian in hotels and on public transportation due to its nasty smell.Taste-They are a neat agricultural product: they look good on supermarket shelf, they stay young and can be stored with relieve for quite some time, produce little odor, are of predictable, standardized quality. But they no longer have the original taste. Durians are like grapes and wine, or like cheese. They are a food for gourmet, for connoisseur. Classic durians, as they are found on Sumatra and Borneo, come as a wide variety with shades of taste like wine, or cheese. Though there is not a durian culture so far as there is a wine culture, there would be a good foundation for it. It's probably only a matter of Southeast Asia becoming sufficiently developed in economic terms to support food culture on a Western level.

Health Benefits

  • Raises serotonin levels. Creates an over-all sense of well being and aids in despair.It has high amount of proteins and amino acids Good to building the muscles and organ function
  • High in antioxidants.Anti-aging benefits including enhancing the appearance of your skin.It has the most complete nutritional profile of any fruit
  • It is power packed with nutrients, including essential fatty acids and organo-sulfur compound.It gives increased energy, endurance, mental clarity, and cellular health.
  • It is Anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, Thermogenic, calms fever, aids healing of swelling and skin diseases.
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  • The flesh is said to provide as a vermifuge. In Malaya , a decoction of the leaves and roots is arranged as a febrifuge. The leaf juice is applied to the fever patient at the head position.
  • The leaves are in use in medicinal baths for people with jaundice. Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swelling and skin diseases. The ash of the burned skin is taken after childbirth. The leaves probably contain hydroxy-tryptamines and mustard oils.
  • The odor of the flesh is supposed to be linked to indole compounds which are bacteriostatic. Eating durian is assumed to restore the health of ailing humans and animals. The flesh is widely believed to act as an aphrodisiac. In the late 1920's, Durian Fruit Products, of New York City, launched a product called "Dur-India" as a "health-food accessory" in tablet form, each containing 63 tablets-a 3-months' supply.
  • The tablets reputedly contained durian and a species of Allium from India, as well as a significant amount of vitamin E. They were claimed to provide "more concentrated healthy energy in food form than any other product the world affords"-to keep the body energetic and untiring the mind alert with faculties undimmed; the spirit youthful. A toothpaste flavored with durian is currently marketed for durian fanciers.
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Guava is a tropical fruit that is oval in shape with light green or yellow exterior. They have white or pink buttery flesh with crunchy edible seeds. Guavas are blessed with nutrients and have remarkable health benefits. They are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. Guava helps to balance blood sugar, boost heart health and reduce the bad cholesterol level. Guavas benefit your digestive system, aid weight loss and help to boost the immunity system. It is preferably eaten raw or best to be served in a cocktail.

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The Brazilian guava can be grown as both trees and shrubs. The shrubs measure about one to three meters and the trees reach about seven meters in height. The leaves have a toothed edge and have a blade like sharpness along the edges. They are about 14cm long and 8cm wide. The undersides reveal a granular surface with pale or reddish hairs. Fragrant flowers with a white corolla and several stamens can be found growing along the axils of the leaves either singly or in groups of three. The fruit is a firm yellowish, round fruit about 2.5cm wide. The flesh has two layers with the outer layer having a yellow color and the inner pulp white in color. The inner pulp is said to have tart strawberry flavor. Some describe it as bitter. Each species has a different taste and a few are sweet enough to be eaten raw. Crossing between this fruit and guava has been done, but has resulted in smaller fruits, numerous in numbers.

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Health Benefits

  • The barks of the tree or the roots are reduced to a decoction and are used to treat urinary infections, diarrhea and dysentery.
  • In certain parts of Costa Rica, it is said to treat varicose veins and ulcers on the legs.
  • A reduced decoction of the leaves is used to relieve colds and bronchitis.
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  • This pectin rich fruit is commonly used for baking and for preservation of Jelly
  • Another common way of consuming this fruit is by eating it raw, sliced or scooped.
  • It can also be found in salads and fruit salads.
  • Although it is a close relative of the guava, the flavor of the Brazilian guava sets itself apart from other regular guava flavors.
  • A paste known as the goiabada is usually made from the pulp being cooked down and then mixed with sugar and water revealing a texture close to guava butter or leather.


fruits carving toolsfruit facial fruit recipes

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